Much like my inner world these days, the skies here in Portland offer obvious contrasts: bright and dark, jagged and smooth, aggressive and calm. Watching the visual comings and goings in the empty space of spring offers dimensional form to the challenges of my emotional world. Interestingly, when looking from a point of view of my Buddhist practice, that which stirs fear and trepidation in my heart also lends exciting possibility for positive change. How gracefully will I handle change when and how it comes? I am curious to find out . . .
The Portland Friends of the Dhamma Center is working through a process to identify our community’s vision, describe and assign roles and finalize our by-laws. It’s a precious time for transparency, vulnerability and integrity. We are very fortunate to have secured Mary Grace Orr to facilitate as she is familiar with our lineage and a several members of our community.
As founder and current Dhamma leader I’m anticipating my seat will be brimming with opportunity to call on my practice. We’ll see how graceful (or not) I handle the challenges as they arise . . . and pass away; thank goodness for refuge ;)
Will write again in a couple weeks and let you know how things turn out, or in, or whatever the case may be . . .